How I Made Candles

This year, I took upon the fun challenge of making my own candles to gift for Christmas. However, instead of outlining the entire process, I wanted to use this post to share tips from what I learned through my own experience. (If you want to see the step by step post that I followed from's blog, look down at the bottom of this post for the link. She does a far better job of explaining the process than I could).

What You'll Need:

  • Jars or vases (I used 8oz mason jars)
  • Wooden wicks
  • Wax (I bought a 10lb bag of soy wax; said to yield approx. 20-25 8oz candles)
  • Any bulk spices for topping (I used cinnamon & star anise)
  • Essential oils for scents (I bought an autumn essential oil set from Amazon)
  • Stove
  • Double boiler or a glass bowl on top of a saucepan
  • Wooden stirrer (I used a chopstick)
  • Scissors & nail trimmers

  • When boiling the wax, in place of a bowl, you can boil it in a glass measuring cup (THIS IS IMPORTANT: because it's easier to pour the wax when it's in a bowl that has a pouring lip/spout vs. a regular bowl. I used a 4 cup glass pyrex measuring cup & layered it over a small saucepan)
  • Don't place the toppers into the wax until the candle is almost completely cooled (top 1/2 inch or so should still be liquid)
  • Let the candles cool for 24 hours before trimming the wick, in order to ensure there's no cracking
  • If you're making candles with different scents, don't forget to label them
Eggnog Soy Wax Candle DIY


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